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Monday, May 23, 2011

Welcome Week at OU

          When I was thinking about what to write about in my blog, I was completely unsure how or where to start, I got thinking about the things that I began to do as a freshman, and what got me involved.  One of the many things that comes to my mind is welcome week at Oakland University.  I remember walking on to campus, and moving my stuff in, unpacking and having my Resident Assistant (RA) telling us about all these fun activities for us to do and all the events that were going on.  Bonfires, BBQ, a big athletic spirit "assembly" if you would like to call it, and all of this in the first week!! So much free stuff, and so many opportunities to become involved on campus!! It was overwhelming, but the second I opened up and began to go ask questions, and look into organizations I thought would be good for me, I really got excited and met some life long friends.  The welcome week activities are run by a group of student leaders called the "Grizz  Pack" who help you move in and really give you opportunities to get out of your room when you move in, and meet people! Some of the activities are so much fun, like the huge welcome BBQ, the on campus scavenger hunt, and the awesome bon fire at the end of the night.  I remember there being so many ways to get to meet people and become involved on just the first day!

      When classes start, the Oakland Center (OC) is full of tables waiting for incoming freshman, and transfer students to join their organizations!! There is everything from sororities, to intramural sports, to organizations that are specifically for your major! This is one of the best ways to just get involved and meet people who have interests that are the same as yours.  Two groups that I became involved with were the Inter varsity Christian Assembly, and the Intramural Sports.  The variety is so large there is something for everybody.  Not only are there campus wide organizations that you can join, but there are organizations for just residents too! This helped me to meet people who lived on campus! I joined Vandenberg House Council (a group of residents whom live in East and West Vandenberg who are the "voice" for that building) and ran for vice president and got it.  Each building has house councils, Hamlin,Vandenbergs, and Small Halls.  Working with these people gives you the opportunity to network, create programs for the residents, and learn some really cool leadership skills.  The programs and activities include things like movie nights, a big Halloween party, and lots of other really fun programs.  Getting involved on campus and not just sitting in my room was the best decision that I could have ever made when moving to Oakland.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

All about me

So, blogging isn't something I have not really done, so this is all new to me,  and I think I am
going to give it a fair shot. My name is Abbey, and I am officially a senior at Oakland University! I study political science and international relations for my major, and writing and rhetoric for my minor. I am taking the LSAT in June (yikes!) and am beginning the law school application process shortly after that! If I am not studying, or working on campus, or at my other job at a local tanning salon, usually I am visiting friends, running, or just enjoying time with my family (mom, dad, sister, and pets of course). My family and friends are who I spend most of my time with, I enjoy traveling, or going on random road trips with them! I have recently acquired a taste for running, and traveling. Lately, I have gone on random trips across the United States just because I can, and hope to make some trips out of the country in the very near future.

I am busy all the time (and I love it), but love being able to hang out with my friends on campus. My favorite college experience is definitely living on campus; our on campus life is the best! There are so many opportunities and advantages to it, but we will get to that throughout the summer with my various blogs. Working for Oakland University’s housing program has been the highlight of my college career so far. I have been a member of various programs here like the Night Watch Program, a Resident Assistant for the resident halls, and now a housing ambassador!

There ya’ have it, a little about me, and some of the things I will be blogging about this summer on another adventure at Oakland University, follow me, and get the scoop about the awesome experiences and opportunities here!